
Sen. Tito Sotto wants to change the lyrics of the Philippine National anthem. Instead of, "Ang mamatay nang dahil sa'yo," he wants to change it to, "Ang ipaglaban ang kalayaan mo," because to him, the original ending sounded defeatist. The lyrics don't sound defeatist but rather heroic. Changing of lyrics might change the point of view of the future generations about history. Changing the lyrics is a tiny bit disrespectful. You will never know on how much work Jose Palma did just to make a poem. Each words, each sentence is composed by him. You can't just change something because it sounds right to you. Yes, it might be right to you, but what will be everyone else's reactions? What does "Ang mamatay nang dahil sa'y," mean? It means that Filipino will offer their lives for the Philippines. The meaning is too beautiful to change. can changing the lyrics do something? Poverty and corruption are problems in our country today...